Thursday, August 18, 2022

Meeting Students Where They Are

Learning loss. 

Post traumatic stress. 

Post traumatic growth. 

Social emotional learning. 


These are all terms that are being discussed in the realm of education right now as we continue to navigate the world that changed so abruptly in early 2020. However, as the pandemic rolls on and students, families, and staff continue to be affected daily, at the school site, we are not focused on these terms. Yes, we use them when talking to stakeholders and we discuss them in professional development sessions as we learn to navigate our current circumstances but when it comes to our students, we simply meet them where they are. 

Last year, my morning job was to check students' daily passes to ensure they were healthy and could enter the school building. This meant that I got to see almost every single student come into school, learn his or her or their name, and say good morning. This year, as protocols have changed, I was a bit saddened that I would not be at the same post, doing the same job. But imagine my excitement when I learned that I would be posted at the front door of the school and would still able to greet most of our students as they come into the building. 

Research has shown that an adult saying good morning to students can be the most positive interaction they have in a day. Some say good morning back, some wave, some walk right on by like I am not even there. But it doesn’t matter because I am meeting every student where they are. 

In the spirit of meeting people where they are, part of our staff development this year has been on social emotional learning and how important it is to check in on students and allow them the time and space they need to grow and acclimate to the school setting. Our leadership team was able to create kits for all of our classroom teachers to support students in this social emotional learning environment.

We included journals, growth mindset prompts, Rubik’s Cubes, stress balls, and more. This is one more way to meet students where they are. 

As we begin the 2022-2023 school year, we are making a concerted effort to help students feel not only welcome in our community but wanted. One way we're doing this is by planning clubs that will meet during lunch and after school to encourage students to get to know others in the community with shared interests and interact in positive ways. It's new and exciting and I hope, just one of the first steps in along this new path we're taking. 

Meeting kids where they are is going to allow us to help with learning loss, social emotional health, and resiliency. It’s not a buzzword, it’s not new, it’s what dedicated educators have always done and will continue to do. 

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